Wednesday, July 22, 2015

What Happens When You Select the Right People

Would you wait a year before telling your server at the restaurant that he brought you the wrong meal?  It's about time companies begin to realize that an annual review makes very little sense; your time is their money and it is not a good ROI to wait to praise someone a year later or to have a twelve month "opportunity to keep missing targets" in order to redirect efforts.  At one company, I had our team complete various exercises once a month to learn about your own characteristics, what you thought were your strengths, as well as what your team members thought were your strengths. After a little initial pushback, the team learns together how others hear messages more clearly, or identifies an untapped strength of a team member, or finds out what kinds of projects excite team members.  It makes for a much more effective - and productive - team.  You'd be surprised if you talk more often with your team members how emerging leadership traits can be identified and nurtured - especially if you select the right people to work on projects. If you aren't taking a pulse more than once a year, well... do you really care about the pulse of the patient?