Thursday, July 16, 2015

How Do You Define Success?

Well, guess what - it isn't what you think they see, it's what they think they see.  You may be smart; they may see abrupt.  You may be thoughtful; they may see too timid.  While some people think the small things aren't important, studies (and marketing experts) plead with people to pay attention to the small things.  I once worked with a politician after the largest natural disaster in the U.S., and people in the room had no idea what was being said because of the fidgeting and playing with some distracting item at the podium.  Who cares? You NEED to care.  It's your career on the line.  Bloopers reels aren't just funny - they should be used as lessons learned in the world of business because there are no "do-overs" in the real world.