Monday, August 3, 2015

Who Are Your Employees?

"Who do you think you are" is the antecedent to the often gossipy "who do they think they are?"  But the most important business question in this unstable economy is quite possibly "who do we think we are?"  Brand, product, pricing, placement, target market... great things that need identification and strategy as well as metrics to see where the company fares against the competition.  But if you don't have the right workers, does it really matter what you try to sell or where you promote it if the wrong people are doing the talking or manufacturing?

An especially tough group to "know" are the newest to the game - millennials. While some anecdotal observations may prove true, rarely do we do anything about it. Adjustments aren't made to capture the social savvy-ness of the millennial employee, but as everyone looks to lure them as cheaper labor and possibly employable longer, that's not what their thinking. So much money is spent on customer identification... What about worker identification?  It costs more to get a customer (or employee) than keep one - so if you keep picking the wrong one, that's a lot of onboarding money wasted.

"Physician, heal thyself" works. "Corporations, reinvent yourself" must work or there will be a whole lotta shaking going on.  Remember, you are known by the company you keep...