Friday, August 21, 2015

It Takes One To Know One

Education is wonderful.  When discussing education, however, most people only give “credit” for formally-earned credits at a University or college.  There isn’t a way to recognize the power of ingenuity or innovation as there is a successful completion of curriculum (unless it’s an honorary degree that most Universities bestow to those who haven’t completed official courses).

As professional educators begin to realize the inherent benefits in less structure that will encourage more collaboration and creativity in problem solving, we may see America rise to the top of the invention mountain again.  Teachers and professors, myself included, are beginning to recognize and reward answers that come to a solution outside the “typical” path – sometimes, we even give bonus points for it! 

In an earlier post, I talked about exercising your mind and strengthening the creative muscles every day – to untrain your uncreativity.  Children historically have been discouraged and the “create” is trained out of them.  Let’s train in back into our everyday lives.

In our personal and professional lives, we need to start making efforts to recognize the traits we find valuable.   Think about the Harry Potter school environment.  There are some teams, and the leader can reward unique approaches to problems with the waiving of a wand (or awarding points).  How about we start positive reinforcement rather than focusing all the time on the negative attributes around us? How much more pleasant the world would be!

Take the first step and with the people around you, focus on the positive.  You can’t always ignore the negative, but good golly, give it the limited attention it’s due – when you spend more time on positive things, more positive things will happen!