Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Best Practice Traits From The Kingdom

You know that by looking out the window that you can gain new perspectives. The same is true when you look beyond your own door, crossing borders to other kingdoms - particularly the animal kingdom. 

Elephants are not known for their delicate nature. Similar to the connotation of a bull in a china shop, their strength and fortitude keeps them focused and alive in various environments. When encountering an obstacle, many people make the assumption that an elephant considers any obstruction a barrier to be broken. 

You know what assumptions get you…

Here are some traits of elephants:
  • Long-term memory.
  • Ability to use tools.
  • Create complex social groups.
But take a look at this problem-solving skill. The elephant remembers this scenario from a prior situation and although it is using the road (the path of least resistance), it could just walk around the barrier. Yet, deciding to stay true to the route selected, the first barrier is lifted while the second can’t be handled the same way even though it is nearly identical. New solution, problem resolved and momentum continues. 

How many times have you come across an obstacle and where you’ve had to remember how to address an issue similar to one in the past, used tools as well as your network to overcome the issues and continued on your way? I’m not saying that you’re an elephant, but best practice across industries (and species) makes things easier for everyone. 

If you have ever had to face the gorilla in the room, you know it’s best to stay one step ahead. Learn from others and apply these elephant lessons to your own enterprise. 

Heather M. Hilliard is Principal and Chief Strategist for R. Roan Enterprises, LLC, a professional services consulting firm supporting businesses in pointed areas of expertise as well as with individuals for targeted projects or career development. For more articles like these, visit her posts on LinkedIn or on G+

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