Friday, March 31, 2017

Fresh Bite Friday: Tips for High-Profile Good Content

I was recently interviewed for a broadcast and asked to share a few points about quality writing.  I realized while listening to the playback today that these tips should be used in business everywhere (when writing emails, web content, marketing materials, or more). I’m sharing my direct quotes with you now as this kickoff article to Fresh Bite Fridays, with three tips to start using next month:

  • Question: What makes quality writing?
  • Answer: If you can’t convince the reader that it’s something worth reading and that there is value in the content, you might as well not have spent the time. You have to have insight into what readers expect and what they want to hear; it doesn’t mean you have it give it [all] to them, but you have to give them something they can sink their teeth into and want to pursue it more… You want to make people think and you have to be authentic.
  • Question: What advice do you give to aspiring writers?
  • Answer: If you want to write something, do it. But if you want to write good content, you need to find an editor who can not only help with the right punctuation, those little grammar mischievous things that happen, but also help you develop it into something readers will keep buying and asking for more. If you’re not sure you have the content from the reader’s perspective [your market segment’s ideology], then you can find an editor to help you do that… spend the money to do it right. You don’t want to be one of those reputable news outlets that have blatant errors, and they don’t put effort into what they’re distributing.
  • Question: What does literary success mean to you?
  • Answer: I don’t think you’ll ever be satisfied as a writer with everything you print, but having your next idea swirling is important, as is to never be ashamed of what you’ve put out there. You need to be honest with yourself about what you say and having the courage to write your story as you want it to be told.

Be authentic and believable!

Heather M. Hilliard is Principal and Chief Strategist for R. Roan Enterprises, LLC, a professional services consulting firm supporting businesses in pointed areas of expertise as well as with individuals for targeted projects or career development. For more articles like these, visit her posts on LinkedIn or on G+

#seizetheday, #makeithappen