Friday, September 25, 2015

What Is Your Legacy?

We spend a lot of time considering how others see us and what other people think about us.  Honestly, if this describes you - then you are going about life all wrong.

Esse Quam Videri.  To be rather than to seem.

My high school motto had the classes think often about how we wanted to be.  You didn't want to just seem kind - you wanted to be kind.  You didn't want to just seem intelligent; you needed on a granular personal level to be intelligent.   

Genuine people seem exactly as they are.  You can only seem genuine if you are genuine.  And if you are focused on the good things in life, that reflects outward from you, and is kind of contagious. Instead of misery attracting company, energy and inspiration will attract enthusiasm and happiness.  Let your experiences and sharing be absorbed and then reflected by others.

When people discover things about you, what do you want them to discover? Don't automatically think about what you want to hide.  Think about the true you, the center of who you are - the goodness, the creativeness, the inspiration.  People are initially attracted by how you may seem, but rapidly unwrap the layers to find out what really makes you tick.

In the office, that happens sometimes sooner than people may realize.  Being together 40 hours a week is a lot of awake time!  Items in your workspace reveal more than you probably ever considered. The pieces of life you share in stories also shows your true self.  

Be thoughtful, but not over-planned.  Be considerate, but not condescending.  Be honest, but not brutal.  

An epitaph was the original tweet, limited to the sum of someone's life work engraved boldly on a tombstone.  Bleak considering how people tend to put off thinking about funerals and such, spending much more time living in the moment.  How you lived your life, though, can be an inspiration.

Every day of your life is a step toward your legacy.  Live it with intension and passion.