Monday, September 14, 2015

What Happens When You Embrace Change

People don't realize how influential their attitude can be.  How often have you smiled at someone who seemed to be having a bad day - and your smile got reflected back?  Rarely do people ignore a smile, even when in a really wretched mood.

In a workplace environment, supervisors have many ways to encourage behavior, but frequently they choose to discourage bad behaviors.  Humans orient around negative things as that's protected us for several thousand years.  But as an article posted last week proves, focusing on the good leaves no room for the bad and the good improves your health, too.

If people react more positively to reinforcement of good traits, why do managers focus on punishing the bad traits so often?  The answer is because they are managers and not truly leaders.  They may like to think they are leaders, they may tell people they are leaders - but leaders just do it, they don't tell people about how they are leading!

An article recently tried to explain why Leaders are afraid of change - but uses the wrong "title" in the headline.  This article is really about why managers are afraid of change.  Leaders embrace and encourage change.  They already do things like create a safe environment for workers to express opinions and give suggestions.  They already know that comments aren't directed at them personally by staff, but at the fear and frustration of uncertainty.    And they definitely aren't afraid of a new idea!

Leaders embrace change and persuade people to move forward, to try the new thing before complaining about it.  Leaders know "it" isn't all about them.  And when we have more people realize the way to improve is by action and not just talk, what a happier workplace we'll have.

If you want to check that you don't make manager mistakes - to focus on your leadership lessons - read more: