Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Don't Plan To Fit In - Have The Vision to Lead

In today's quick bite, think about this: 
Kids often want to fit in with everyone else - from clothes to lunch boxes and backpacks, they want to be one of the crowd.  They are young, inexperienced, timid when it comes to try new things.  In many ways, new employees have the same attributes.  New employees also try hard to fit in and not rock the boat, because they yearn to be part of the team instead of the new kid in the group.
But why in the world should you want to be like anyone else? In the prime of your career, you should be looking at the unique ways you bring value to an organization!  Perhaps it's your creativity, or it could be your coding ability.  You may be a fabulous writer with a knack for MarCom.  Or you are a great forensic accountant that can follow a money trail to get the bad guys.
Whatever your niche, act like a king and lead your own story.  Set the bar high.  There's no one else like you, so do what you are meant to do and lead.