Monday, November 21, 2016

Your Revolution is Coming

There’s no stopping it.  And 80% fail every year.

If you knew that something was coming and you had the time to prepare, it’s likely that you’d try to be ready.  That’s what most people do - human nature doesn’t like surprises.

We “blow it” usually within five weeks (though 25% fail in the first week) because professionals that react in other areas of their professional life don’t take this preparation step seriously.

When you think something on the outside is going to change you on the inside, it’s only going to be your mirror image that’s modified.  It’s not improved; it’s not durable.  It just looks different for a little while.  The horror is when we realize that we not only failed, but we regressed!

You have a full 40 days to plan your 2017 Resolution.  It’s your personal internal revolution that should get this year’s commitment. It’s about making yourself better and constructing a plan so you can be better for those around you (notice I didn’t say better than those surrounding you).  

Don’t think of this as a great flood trying to overwhelm you — this 40 days is for you to prepare a plan to achieve the best things coming into your life.  You can complete these five steps can be thoughtfully completed before December 31st.

Get closer to your dream.  

  • Focus. That means not looking at your email or texting your friends or taking a phone call from a coworker that wants to gossip.  It means time for yourself with yourself to think.
  • Understand this is one thing you do just for yourself.  While we are busy running errands, completing work deliverables and bouncing all over the place, you need to do something drastically important for yourself.  You are worth it.
  • Pick one goal and break it into stages.  Pick one improvement for your 2017 goal and break it into parts that fit into your regular routine.  You aren’t trying to create a habit (such as making your bed); you are trying to adjust lifestyle actions for a better you.
  • Communicate your decision by using the words you mean.  SMART objectives are best: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely.  
  • Don’t forget to check your pulse.  As you progress, you know you can’t just set your sails and hope for the best.  Make sure that you check on your own status so that you can modify any stages of the plan to get you where you want to go.

A great quote from a successful coach sums it up best.  “The opponent within your own head is more daunting than the one on the other side.” - W. Timothy Gallwey

Get a grip on your toughest opponent — yourself.  Ope  what has you locked in place.  Today is about you; the next article I am going to post will show you how to prepare your business for what could be your best quarter yet…

Heather M. Hilliard is Principal and Chief Strategist for R. Roan Enterprises, LLC, a professional services consulting firm supporting businesses in pointed areas of expertise as well as with individuals for targeted projects or career development. For more articles like these, visit her posts on LinkedIn or on G+

#seizetheday, #makeithappen