Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Just the Facts

It’s the end of the year, a time when a lot of businesses ease off the gas pedal - not because they want to give employees a break, but because they are misinformed about consumer behaviors.  This irrational input into a decision matrix loses revenue for companies around the world.

I usually write articles around hot topics to inspire, educate, encourage... helping you sort through the noise and get to the important things in life.  Well, year-end sales certainly fit this model.  If you aren’t engaged in the realities of business instead of off-target perceptions, you won’t do what’s important for customers.

If you knew the facts…

…that the fourth quarter is the new first quarter, you may be more inclined to go running into the new year with a bang on your financial statements…

…and B2B growth occurs as customers surf the internet for next year’s partners, your efforts now to reach out will be rewarded…

…so respectable sales across industries (not just retail sales) can help exceed your company goals by maintaining focus through the end of the year

… you could keep your target market’s attention with:
  • Attention-grabbing branded messaging.  This does not mean it needs to be “crafty” or “slick” — in fact, those things can hurt you.  Just as you are busy, so are they.  Know what your customer wants to hear through some valid market research to save time and headaches if you have to look back and wonder why you missed your 4Q goals.  If fewer companies are looking to be heard through cacophony of holiday ads, your messages are likely to hit the mark.
  • Credible claims.  Don’t stretch the truth and don’t claim to be a company that you’re not.  Customers viewpoints are savvy and more educated with direct applications to help them sift through the distractions in life.  Third party endorsements are good only when they will mean something to your customer base; likewise, paid spokespersons are less effective than twenty years ago.  You can improve credibility by “walking the walk” and putting effort into strong brand foundations that help the market see what your company really does.
  • Quality delivery.  The days are fading when people wanted “more for less” because they realize paying a little more for quality goes much farther.  In your products you demand excellence, so why not in your messages to customers?  Pushing strategic marketing teams for fast statements without the backbone of the product infrastructure completed is a waste of money.  Let those who are trained to perform do exactly that, and manage your own expectations when you hire superstar people to get the job done right.
By not following tradition, you can capitalize on a bit of the sales revolution by modifying your business plan.  Improve upon past performance and start the new year ahead of the curve.  Begin implementing your business’ revolution today — yesterday was for you, today is for your investments and tomorrow is for your dreams.

Heather M. Hilliard is Principal and Chief Strategist for R. Roan Enterprises, LLC, a professional services consulting firm supporting businesses in pointed areas of expertise as well as with individuals for targeted projects or career development. For more articles like these, visit her posts on LinkedIn or on G+

#seizetheday, #makeithappen