Saturday, December 31, 2016

Two Steps Forward

I woke to rabbit tracks in my yard and saw a deer out early munching some grass she'd found underneath the snow.  It's amazing when you get moving before other people at the things you will see, things that will be missed if you wait until there are other human footprints tracking everywhere.

With a fresh slate, you get to create the path, make the impression, define the direction.

Use your new year to be the first one to take two steps forward.

Heather M. Hilliard is Principal and Chief Strategist for R. Roan Enterprises, LLC, a professional services consulting firm supporting businesses in pointed areas of expertise as well as with individuals for targeted projects or career development. For more articles like these, visit her posts on LinkedIn or on G+

#seizetheday, #makeithappen

Friday, December 30, 2016

Add $2500 to Your Wallet

You’ve heard the saying “put your money where your mouth is” — it’s true.  

Food is fuel, energy to literally get moving. Sometimes research is too general, but this one shows you the present and future savings is on average $2500 a year. The sooner you start moving, the greater your future investment will be.

Learn not only how to improve your mind or your productivity, but also your wallet

Start at the beginning - it makes the journey that much easier.

Heather M. Hilliard is Principal and Chief Strategist for R. Roan Enterprises, LLC, a professional services consulting firm supporting businesses in pointed areas of expertise as well as with individuals for targeted projects or career development. For more articles like these, visit her posts on LinkedIn or on G+

#seizetheday, #makeithappen

Thursday, December 29, 2016

The New Groundhog Day

Just 20 days ago, I reminded readers that we were getting an extra second this year. Today, main-stream-media is reminding the world again.

We really need to make use of the gifts given to us this holiday season - whether they are big or small. Adages of ‘use your time wisely’ mean so much more when you literally have more time. 

Set your goals and lead the way - even if it means taking off in a new direction.

“If you want to know the value of one year, just ask a student who failed a course. 
If you want to know the value of one month, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby. 
If you want to know the value of one hour, ask the lovers waiting to meet. 
If you want to know the value of one minute, ask the person who just missed the bus. 
If you want to know the value of one second, ask the person who just escaped death in a car accident. 
And if you want to know the value of one-hundredth of a second, ask the athlete who won a silver medal in the Olympics.” 

- Marc Levy, Et si c'était vrai..., Vous revoir, édition complète 2 en 1

Heather M. Hilliard is Principal and Chief Strategist for R. Roan Enterprises, LLC, a professional services consulting firm supporting businesses in pointed areas of expertise as well as with individuals for targeted projects or career development. For more articles like these, visit her posts on LinkedIn or on G+

#seizetheday, #makeithappen

Friday, December 16, 2016

15 Ways to Increase Your Productivity Right Now

Improve each day through New Year’s Eve to identify your resolution (if you haven’t finished planning your revolution). 

1.  Keep your goals in front of you. If you keep your larger “weight” in front of you, you focus on what’s ahead (instead of the weight that you carry on your back).

2.  Feedback is best when it looks at the future. Solutions to solve problems are far better than complaining in order to reinvent the wheel.

3.  Make time for the right things. Get rid of bad habits or time-wasting activities so your energies are used for productive purposes.

4.  Build better foundations. Lift yourself and others higher to see farther on the horizon at what’s possible (rather than using blocks to protect your turf).

5.  Tools make things easier. By selecting the right choices to streamline various aspects of your life, you simplify and reduce stress.

6.  Be mindful in discussions. When you listen for clues about others’ moods and show attentiveness, you discover what people aren’t saying.

7.  Reduce distractions. You gain power by retaking control over little things (like too many coupon emails), so you own your focus.

8.  Accept that reassessments are healthy. By adjusting as you progress, you make sure that you are capturing the strong winds that move you forward faster.

9.  Get involved with something bigger than yourself. Show your gratitude for what you have by giving back to others.

10. Realize what you don’t know and go learn something. Refreshing our learning skills makes it easier to adapt and overcome when obstacles rise in our paths.

11. Take time to just drink your coffee. Your mind needs quiet time, so sit down, unplug and pause in order to help strengthen focus for the next task.

12. Green is good. Greenery is the color for 2017; make sure you bring not only plants but also green habits into your home to be on trend as well as improving the world.

13. Say what you mean. With finesse and kindness, you’ll find being articulate and authentic will be a better strategy than any SEO plan.

14. Train your brain. Make information mean something when you digest or express— it helps you and everyone around you, too.

15. Practice what brings you peace. By making time weekly for what brings your soul contentment just for its own sake, you’ll be healthier and happier. 

Heather M. Hilliard is Principal and Chief Strategist for R. Roan Enterprises, LLC, a professional services consulting firm supporting businesses in pointed areas of expertise as well as with individuals for targeted projects or career development. For more articles like these, visit her posts on LinkedIn or on G+

#seizetheday, #makeithappen

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Five Ways Time Can Be On Your Side

The days are about to get longer - records of lunar and solar eclipses for 2,700 years were tallied and we've gotten an additional seven hours in our lives in the past two dozen centuries.

You can imagine all of the things that are possible with that much time, but you know that all of that time isn't just for us right now. So what is this phenomenon really telling us?

A scientist at Scripps Institution of Oceanography notes that there is time and then there's how fast the Earth spins. This latter component, called Universal Time, proceeds and nothing you can do will change it... just like you can't change other people, the way someone works, or how other folks set priorities.

However, Terrestrial Time has only been measured by atomic clocks for a little over 50 years. There are many examples about what can be accomplished in "time comparisons." But this, too, has been modified by natural events, such as NASA showing how an earthquake recently moved the Earth's axis and shifted time

This year, these two kinds of time will actually be realigned and extra second will forever be added on New Year's Eve because time on the planet is out of sync.

If you feel you don't control your own time - be it through a manager's assignment or the kids' multiple activities - you don't need an international society to tell you to adjust your pace. Things occur in your life where you naturally realize you need to move your axis.

You can make shifts in your life to simplify in order to use your "real time" more wisely.
  1. Realize multi-tasking doesn't work; it just wastes time. Set yourself discrete blocks of time to accomplish parts of tasks or entire projects that you know matter most. 
  2. Prepare for your meetings in order to use time wisely. On calls or during face-to-face meetings, take five minutes before the discussion to pinpoint what progress means for that event. 
  3. Respect the time limits you've established. Working on a specific schedule allows your brain to have a fresh mindset instead of "pushing through" and making mistakes. 
  4. Effectively use waiting time. Short "vision" work is possible when you've organized your projects to reduce interruptions, so write that text while waiting on the next event. 
  5. Eliminate waste. Just like you empty the fridge from expired products, your life is full of them, too, and thus anything (from stagnant relationships to lagging ideas) either need recharged or removed. 
You can take back your time. It's a great idea for starting in the next few weeks when you gain "real time" as well as Universal Time.  

Heather M. Hilliard is Principal and Chief Strategist for R. Roan Enterprises, LLC, a professional services consulting firm supporting businesses in pointed areas of expertise as well as with individuals for targeted projects or career development. For more articles like these, visit her posts on LinkedIn or on G+

#seizetheday, #makeithappen

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Make It Yours

When you declare something, you are justifying a truth to yourself and those around you. I recently wrote an article that began with a powerful quote: Speak the Truth, even if your voice shakes

The spoken word holds just as much bond as one in writing (in some states, it still qualifies as a “word is a bond” on which contracts can be made). When you speak your plans, you give them the freedom to take flight. They can be simple personal statements or life-improving visions.

Yet if you only hold these dreams in your head, you don’t easily make progress. You need to believe what’s in your head as it takes hold of your heart, so you can declare and get going!

Maybe you’ve been accused of just digging a hole for yourself. But, some guys in Europe thought for years about digging a hole — if they never started, they wouldn’t have drilled open the connection between Britain and Europe in the Chunnel just after 11 a.m. today in 1990.

Perhaps you like to build replicas and devote a lot of time to a hobby. If a man that preferred to tinker with things rather than deal with people hadn’t have started telling people about his dream and working towards it, on this day in 1913, Henry Ford’s assembly line would not have started rolling, fueling a new era for the industrial revolution.

Possibly you’ve thought there’s too much chatter and disconnected from “the grid” on occasions.  Well yes, you can make a declaration without words, particularly if you refuse to leave your seat and move to the back of the bus, just as Rosa Parks did December 1, 1955.

It was two weeks ago that I pointed out you had 40 days to make a plan with five steps to create your best revolution ever.  The countdown has reached 30 days.
  • Write down where you want to be by this time next year, meaning you have thoughtfully focused your dream into an actionable goal.  Put this vision statement someplace you’ll see it every day so that you are positively inspired with forward momentum.
  • Speak your truth to someone you trust, who will keep you on the path with encouragement and perhaps articles or words of enlightenment that keep your motivated.
  • Begin taking your vision and start planning how you will reach it.  This gets you through the third step of your Revolution, and you have a month to complete the last three phases.
The bald eagle in the photo is utterly focused, moving directly toward the prize. You can’t get ahead if you don’t get started. Why are you waiting? 

Heather M. Hilliard is Principal and Chief Strategist for R. Roan Enterprises, LLC, a professional services consulting firm supporting businesses in pointed areas of expertise as well as with individuals for targeted projects or career development. For more articles like these, visit her posts on LinkedIn or on G+

#seizetheday, #makeithappen

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The Secret of Getting Ahead

Tomorrow is the day Americans give thanks for the blessings they’ve experienced in the past year.  Change it up this year because it should also be thanks for the blessings that you know are going to come your way.

We don’t move forward by looking behind us, yet many people do this over and over.  Even Thanksgiving is a day where we appreciate what we have already been given!  If you keep focusing on where you’ve been, how will you use what you’ve learned to build a great future?

Take time to invest in all of your tomorrows and think about what makes you happy.  Consider what “tools” you have used from your skills set when you are enjoying life the most.  By honestly identifying and understanding your strengths, you can use every one of your gifts with courage and hope for an abundant future.  

One of the gifts all humans have is the gift of hearing (even if it’s selectively used) - not just in the literal sense, but in perceptive ways, too.  Listen so that that you hear what is not being said in the world.  When we listen, we end up seeing where we fit just a little better in our communities.

The new year is approaching; this week’s articles on facts and revolution focus on preparations based on thinking, not guessing.  Being honest with yourself will ensure you love what you do, even if you have to start building this new part of your life one small step at a time.  

If you don’t take action, you won’t reach success.  If you don’t take action, things remain impossible.  If you don’t take action, you are endangering yourself to being just a follower. 

  • If you take action, you will be better tomorrow than you were yesterday.  
  • If you take action, you make decisions toward a brighter future. 
  • If you take action, your confidence will inspire others.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started *

Heather M. Hilliard is Principal and Chief Strategist for R. Roan Enterprises, LLC, a professional services consulting firm supporting businesses in pointed areas of expertise as well as with individuals for targeted projects or career development. For more articles like these, visit her posts on LinkedIn or on G+

#seizetheday, #makeithappen

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Just the Facts

It’s the end of the year, a time when a lot of businesses ease off the gas pedal - not because they want to give employees a break, but because they are misinformed about consumer behaviors.  This irrational input into a decision matrix loses revenue for companies around the world.

I usually write articles around hot topics to inspire, educate, encourage... helping you sort through the noise and get to the important things in life.  Well, year-end sales certainly fit this model.  If you aren’t engaged in the realities of business instead of off-target perceptions, you won’t do what’s important for customers.

If you knew the facts…

…that the fourth quarter is the new first quarter, you may be more inclined to go running into the new year with a bang on your financial statements…

…and B2B growth occurs as customers surf the internet for next year’s partners, your efforts now to reach out will be rewarded…

…so respectable sales across industries (not just retail sales) can help exceed your company goals by maintaining focus through the end of the year

… you could keep your target market’s attention with:
  • Attention-grabbing branded messaging.  This does not mean it needs to be “crafty” or “slick” — in fact, those things can hurt you.  Just as you are busy, so are they.  Know what your customer wants to hear through some valid market research to save time and headaches if you have to look back and wonder why you missed your 4Q goals.  If fewer companies are looking to be heard through cacophony of holiday ads, your messages are likely to hit the mark.
  • Credible claims.  Don’t stretch the truth and don’t claim to be a company that you’re not.  Customers viewpoints are savvy and more educated with direct applications to help them sift through the distractions in life.  Third party endorsements are good only when they will mean something to your customer base; likewise, paid spokespersons are less effective than twenty years ago.  You can improve credibility by “walking the walk” and putting effort into strong brand foundations that help the market see what your company really does.
  • Quality delivery.  The days are fading when people wanted “more for less” because they realize paying a little more for quality goes much farther.  In your products you demand excellence, so why not in your messages to customers?  Pushing strategic marketing teams for fast statements without the backbone of the product infrastructure completed is a waste of money.  Let those who are trained to perform do exactly that, and manage your own expectations when you hire superstar people to get the job done right.
By not following tradition, you can capitalize on a bit of the sales revolution by modifying your business plan.  Improve upon past performance and start the new year ahead of the curve.  Begin implementing your business’ revolution today — yesterday was for you, today is for your investments and tomorrow is for your dreams.

Heather M. Hilliard is Principal and Chief Strategist for R. Roan Enterprises, LLC, a professional services consulting firm supporting businesses in pointed areas of expertise as well as with individuals for targeted projects or career development. For more articles like these, visit her posts on LinkedIn or on G+

#seizetheday, #makeithappen

Monday, November 21, 2016

Your Revolution is Coming

There’s no stopping it.  And 80% fail every year.

If you knew that something was coming and you had the time to prepare, it’s likely that you’d try to be ready.  That’s what most people do - human nature doesn’t like surprises.

We “blow it” usually within five weeks (though 25% fail in the first week) because professionals that react in other areas of their professional life don’t take this preparation step seriously.

When you think something on the outside is going to change you on the inside, it’s only going to be your mirror image that’s modified.  It’s not improved; it’s not durable.  It just looks different for a little while.  The horror is when we realize that we not only failed, but we regressed!

You have a full 40 days to plan your 2017 Resolution.  It’s your personal internal revolution that should get this year’s commitment. It’s about making yourself better and constructing a plan so you can be better for those around you (notice I didn’t say better than those surrounding you).  

Don’t think of this as a great flood trying to overwhelm you — this 40 days is for you to prepare a plan to achieve the best things coming into your life.  You can complete these five steps can be thoughtfully completed before December 31st.

Get closer to your dream.  

  • Focus. That means not looking at your email or texting your friends or taking a phone call from a coworker that wants to gossip.  It means time for yourself with yourself to think.
  • Understand this is one thing you do just for yourself.  While we are busy running errands, completing work deliverables and bouncing all over the place, you need to do something drastically important for yourself.  You are worth it.
  • Pick one goal and break it into stages.  Pick one improvement for your 2017 goal and break it into parts that fit into your regular routine.  You aren’t trying to create a habit (such as making your bed); you are trying to adjust lifestyle actions for a better you.
  • Communicate your decision by using the words you mean.  SMART objectives are best: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely.  
  • Don’t forget to check your pulse.  As you progress, you know you can’t just set your sails and hope for the best.  Make sure that you check on your own status so that you can modify any stages of the plan to get you where you want to go.

A great quote from a successful coach sums it up best.  “The opponent within your own head is more daunting than the one on the other side.” - W. Timothy Gallwey

Get a grip on your toughest opponent — yourself.  Ope  what has you locked in place.  Today is about you; the next article I am going to post will show you how to prepare your business for what could be your best quarter yet…

Heather M. Hilliard is Principal and Chief Strategist for R. Roan Enterprises, LLC, a professional services consulting firm supporting businesses in pointed areas of expertise as well as with individuals for targeted projects or career development. For more articles like these, visit her posts on LinkedIn or on G+

#seizetheday, #makeithappen

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Value of Ten Dollars

Three weeks ago, I shared an article where I asked you to tell yourself the truth.  

Think about when you are happiest - how could you do things better to create more happiness in your life?  Could it take just a short time to get your mind right?

Check out the list of online courses available for ten bucks today only.  Be thankful for your blessings and look to increase them for a very reasonable price.  

Your dreams will bring you more delight than a ten dollar bill ever could.  Select a class or two today to invest in yourself.

(And no, there’s nothing “in if for me” other than helping you be a happier person.)

Heather M. Hilliard is Principal and Chief Strategist for R. Roan Enterprises, LLC, a professional services consulting firm supporting businesses in pointed areas of expertise as well as with individuals for targeted projects or career development. For more articles like these, visit her posts on LinkedIn or on G+

#seizetheday, #makeithappen

Friday, November 11, 2016

Are You Barn Burning or Barn Building?

A close friend of mine had a tragedy this summer when one of his livestock barns filled with 1,000 fresh bales of hay in the loft burned to the ground in twenty-two minutes.  He barely got from the barn where he was feeding horses at the top of the hill down to the engulfed structure to see the end.  The horses there were already in the pasture; all the chickens had escaped.

It was weeks before he could clean up all the scrapped metal fixtures, put his hands on the decomposed melted equipment, push it all to the side and begin to think about the next steps - knowing that fall in the mountains was already starting to change the color of the leaves, that the animals had to have their home before snow fell.

This was the barn that his mom and dad built.  It was function and “form” — the foundation of their livelihood.  Every morning when he woke, the image he saw was a soot pile.  Every evening, a glimmer of panic another fire would happen to another building. 

He began to plan the new barn, going deep into his property to mark the trees for felling and planking to build the new barn.  He started marking the ground for the new posts, using the vision in his mind about how he wanted his future to look in order to define his present, using what he had learned in his past.

One or two people would come now and then to help, but he got started with ingenuity to figure out how to make a post plumb with only two hands and some of the remaining farm equipment.

The vision starts to take shape - and then neighbors arrive.  Just like Americans used to do, neighbor helping neighbor. Investment in the welfare of your own community, seeing how you could help.  Making things better, learning what to do even if you’d never done it before.

Problems aren’t always about money.  Time.  Helping hands.  Brain-power to strategize.  A four-wheeler buddy to mark the best hemlock and pine.  Someone bringing an Amish father to use his family’s hands and experience.

The Amish started helping, making improvements in their own way and using their own language.  If you’ve never built a barn with Amish men, it’s quite something to see a young man three stories off the ground walking on a two inch header as they install the rafters.

These particular neighbors don’t usually interact with a lot of folks, don’t do things the same way; they dress differently than most and speak in different tongues - yet their contribution for someone they didn’t know raised half a barn in astonishing speed and accuracy yesterday.

Know anyone in your neighborhood, in your community, that doesn’t look like you or dress like you?  Ever talk with them to see if you have something in common besides the streets on which you live?  Have you needed help and think you know the type of person you need?

Thinking you have all the answers or know the “right” people that can help is barn burning.  Turn to each other and offer a hand to be a barn building community.  Listen to new perspectives.  Become invested in something — it could mean more than anything you’ve previously known.

After all, it’s a shame when you’re not invested in anything; it leads to closed doors and people who believe “knowing it all” gives them a right to scream in support of nothing.  You know the next line - if you don’t believe in something, you’ll fall for anything.

Help your community, get to know your neighbors again.  Build a new vision together, dreaming of what’s possible instead of complaining about what is.

Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away and you might just learn something new to add to your “great-full” list.

Heather M. Hilliard is Principal and Chief Strategist for R. Roan Enterprises, LLC, a professional services consulting firm supporting businesses in pointed areas of expertise as well as with individuals for targeted projects or career development. For more articles like these, visit her posts on LinkedIn or on G+

#seizetheday, #makeithappen

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Get Your Mind Right

This weekend is the unique semiannual phenomenon of retreating to standard - as in time zone adjustment from daylight savings. Many use the adage "fall back" for the autumn solstice time change. 

But doesn't that set a tone of reverting to something old? While springing ahead has a nice ring to it, we actually are gaining time in the fall yet always frame it with negativity. It's a dichotomy that two groups of people generally adore - the sleepers and the doers. 

Sleepers nearly always look forward to the extra hour of sleep. They play catch-up on missed sleep due to overtime or watching the World Series. It's about gaining something they've missed; it's always about "what's in it for them?"

Doers will show great elation at the extra sixty minutes, adding a delayed project to the weekend list-of-things-to-do or accomplish something special. There's no "fall behind" in their vocabulary. Even on the spring ahead day, they like the sun rising earlier and they will wake earlier with it for another positive burst of energy given by the harvest calendar that only two percent of Americans follow in today's economy. Long sentence made for those who are long on energy!

Perception is eighty percent of reality. If you are able to maintain a positive outlook, you will be energized and motivated to accomplish more. Falling is absent from your vocabulary. Like attracts like, and positive people find themselves surrounded by likeminded folks. 

People are in your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. It's autumn right now, but there's no reason you need to fall behind. Use the weekend's extra hour to handle what will matter most in the months ahead:

Organizing a new business plan that will allow you to be your own boss by daylight savings springtime. 

Creating your favorite creative project's timeframe for a hobby you've missed lately.

Enjoying time with family over breakfast in bed or with friends at a catch-up brunch.

That extra hour for "regular time" adds a wealth of memories and possibilities if you just get your mind right. The extra hour is a gift that is full of possibilities. 

How will you use your gifts?

Heather M. Hilliard is Principal and Chief Strategist for R. Roan Enterprises, LLC, a professional services consulting firm supporting businesses in pointed areas of expertise as well as with individuals for targeted projects or career development. For more articles like these, visit her posts on LinkedIn or on G+

#seizetheday, #makeithappen