Monday, November 2, 2015

Don't Get Too Comfortable

"He who dies with the most toys wins."  Many people look to collect the most creature comforts and make themselves a very cushy life.  How we appear to others on the outside means a whole heck-of-a-lot to many, many people.  Our bank accounts and assets define success to this group.  Some people just want to scratch the surface and create a calm, peaceful life - and that works for them.

But, what about who you are on the inside?  Your inner self shines through to everything that you do.  There are people who want to do more than scratch the surface.  They ask questions, hold people to higher standards (perhaps the legal standards), and work to make their community a better place.  It's not easy, and it sure isn't comfortable.

There are many controversial people in the limelight that are being defined by others - Caitlyn Jenner (gender), Rachel Dolezal (race), and even the Pope (religion): topics etiquette says not to discuss at cocktail parties.  Whether you agree with them and their perspectives or not, they are taking a huge step away from comfort and created conversations about values.

Stand up and be tall - and try to be as tall figuratively as this super star in the story below.  He hasn't been in a major spotlight for himself for decades, but has always looked at what is the right thing to do.  We should all be conscious and mindful of the right things - comfort in the soul isn't always comfort on a couch, but you sure do sleep better at night!